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主管单位:江西财经大学  主办单位:江西财经大学

人气 15313

当代财经 2015年第S1期杂志 文档列表

关键词: jiangxi;  disciplines;  administration;  founded;  economics;  universities;  traced;  philosophy;  
Environmental Regulation and Multiple Equilibrium of Economic Growth:Theory and Evidence from China第3-14页
关键词: environmental;  regulation;  economic;  growth;  multiple;  equilibrium;  
The Impact of R&D Capitalization on Macroeconomic Variables: From the Perspective of the Adjustment of NIPAS in USA第15-26页
关键词: adjustment;  of;  national;  accounts;  capitalization;  capital;  stock;  macroeconomic;  variables;  
The Ultimate Causes of the Financial Crisis第27-34页
关键词: demands;  financial;  crisis;  surplus;  overdrawing;  the;  future;  
Three Major Functions of China’s Consumption Tax: Effect Evaluation and Policy Adjustment第35-45页
关键词: consumption;  tax;  function;  evaluation;  revenue;  distribution;  external;  compensation;  
Path Selection in Deepening the Fiscal Reform of "County Directly Governed by Province"第46-55页
关键词: county;  directly;  governed;  by;  province;  financial;  management;  system;  tax;  sharing;  
Research on the Design of International Cooperation System to Supply Global Public Goods:with A View on the Route Selection for China’s Participation第56-64页
关键词: global;  public;  goods;  cooperative;  supply;  international;  cooperation;  institutional;  design;  
A Study of Supervision Performance of China’s Commercial Banks from the Perspective of the Trinity-Characteristics of Bank Supervision System第65-76页
关键词: bank;  supervision;  performance;  evaluation;  risk;  control;  comprehensive;  efficiency;  
An Analysis of Private Placement, Nature of Controlling Stake and Industrial Upgrading Effect第77-91页
关键词: private;  placement;  nature;  of;  controlling;  stake;  industrial;  upgrading;  
Research on the Choices of Technological Innovation Directions for Chinese Enterprises第92-98页
关键词: technological;  innovation;  choice;  of;  directions;  upgrading;  
Promotion of the Value Creating Capacity of Agricultural Products Logistics Industry from the Perspective of Resource Development第99-112页
关键词: resource;  development;  logistics;  industry;  of;  agricultural;  products;  capacity;  value;  creation;  resources;  
Impact of Trade Promotion Agencies on China’s Export Binary Marginal Growth第113-122页
关键词: trade;  promotion;  agencies;  export;  growth;  binary;  margin;  
Administrative Monopoly, Market Allocation and Manufacturing Industry Geographical Cluster in the Central Region第123-134页
关键词: geographical;  cluster;  administrative;  monopoly;  market;  allocation;  new;  economics;  
Reflection on Several Important Issues of State Audit第135-146页
关键词: state;  audit;  nature;  of;  supervision;  governance;  theoretical;  system;  practice;  innovation;  
Financial and Economic Crisis and Corporate Finance Development第147-156页
关键词: financial;  and;  economic;  crisis;  corporate;  finance;  financing;  theory;  investment;